ocr: SIXTH STEP: Search for the old outlines that you - got from step 1 on your terribly over- crowded screen, place 'em onto the logo and step 6 "ZAPP": SMooth it! (Don't forget F8 before (sMoothed) licking!). Looks rather round-edged now! SEVENTH STEP: The corners still look "-, step 6 50 do some Freehand editing wi ith color 7 and (x 2) Maybe also 6 at them. See rightern side for More info. step 71 ledited) And now? Now you got a rather nice, non- step 7 pright logo with round edges. Yes, non- (x 2) pright because even if you try it with only blue and greyish colors, it won't look like ifi it co ...